Branch Newsletter – Up Spirits

A monthly newsletter titled “UP SPIRITS” was first introduced in 1983. Typed on a ‘skin’ and produced on an old Gestetner machine it was delivered to member’s homes by the active members of the Branch. Publication came to an end after seven years when delivery and production became too difficult.

The title was resuscitated in 2002 when then Branch Chairman Shipmate Fred Hogben agreed to edit a newsletter, its initial purpose being to keep the membership informed of arrangements being made at the time for the Branch’s 25th anniversary celebrations and re dedication in Norwich Cathedral of the Branch Standard. The first issue was a one page effort: with the technological advances that had been made in the period since the demise of the previous publication, particularly the development of the personal computer and desk top publishing software, the quality of production was much improved. The reintroduction of the newsletter proved a success and the ‘new ‘ Up Spirits’ has been issued on a bi-monthly basis ever since.

From the first one page effort, the size of the newsletter has grown and now regularly comprises eight to sixteen pages. The scope of content has increased considerably over the years – a round-up of branch news, a regular piece ‘From the Quarterdeck’ by our Branch President accompany the Branch Chairman’s and Vice Chairman’s Columns, topped off with Shipmates Submissions and an updated list of the Branch Events.