Branch Meeting – June – 2023

The second Tuesday of the month is here, so that means the next Branch Meeting.

We will be meeting at 1930 this evening at The Canary Social Club, 104 Thorpe Road (junction with Rosary Road). NORWICH.

New members are very welcome.

Who’s It For?

It’s for everyone, whether you are currently serving or have served in the Naval Service; it’s also for your family and friends. We know that once Naval Service has been experienced, life is never the same again, but in the RNA, it can be shared and enjoyed for the rest of your life.

As a member of the RNA, you’ll have access to social and welfare advice, involvement in our many social or fundraising events. If you’d like a taster of what we’re about, our local Branch Secretary would be delighted to host you as a guest at our next branch meeting.

How much is Membership?

Membership is free, and further details can be found at Join Us | Royal Naval Association .

Types of Membership

Full Membership

For current and former Naval Service personnel (this includes the RN, RM, WRNS, QARNNS, RNR, RMR, RFA, RNXS). As a Full Member, you will have voting rights to help form how your branch could be run. You will also be eligible for election to National Council to represent your branch and area.

Associate Membership

For families, friends and anyone who supports our Naval Service.

RNA Norwich

The Norwich Branch is one of 300+ branches of the Royal Naval Association world wide. It was commissioned in 1979 and today has a membership of just over 90. It is a registered charity in its own right - the Registered Charity Number is: 1068699

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