Join the Royal Naval Association

For those that aren’t aware, the Royal Naval Association is now free to join; following the organisation moving to being donation based as of January 2021. (Local Branch Fees may apply)
You can join the Association at and either chose to join HQ Roll, which acts as a Virtual Branch, or select to join your local Branch (a list of which can be found at
In addition, the RNA is also in the process of initiating Special Interest Groups, bringing Shipmates together across the country that enjoy different interests. So far SIGs have been set up for Model Making, Rugby Union, American Football and Genealogy; with more groups in the pipeline; including Drone Flyers and Fishing.

RNA Norwich

The Norwich Branch is one of 300+ branches of the Royal Naval Association world wide. It was commissioned in 1979 and today has a membership of just over 90. It is a registered charity in its own right - the Registered Charity Number is: 1068699

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