Shipmate Gareth Booth, the National Recruitment and Retention Advisor, has been in post for a few months now and has recognised that there is a need for a source of local knowledge and consequently a requirement to appoint an Area Branch Recruitment Assistant (ABRA)
The appointed Shipmate will operate under the following guidelines / Terms of Reference:
- Report to the National Branch Recruitment & Retention Advisor (NBRRA) as an advisor for their area
- To act as a point of contact for their area
- Work with the Area NCM / Committee to assist the NBRRA in the following activities:
- Identifying branches within their area at risk of closing
- Give help, where possible, to help branches at risk.
- Identifying possible locations for new branches and special interest groups within their area
- Branch Recruiting and Retention Activities
- Local marketing ideas
If you require any further details, then please do not hesitate in contacting Shipmate Garth by either by email or phone; or 07713 876846